Healing Your Hormones With Water Fasting ~ with Nat Kringoudis

May 01, 2024

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Many years ago one of my besties did a gruelling 3 day water fast.  Everyone thought she was crazy and worried for her health- me included.

Years later it turns out my determined friend was onto something, as science is now emerging on the benefits of a water fast. 

I know, I hear you. I LOVE my food too. I'm selfishly still in non-fasting mode as the breastfeeding requests are still strong over here. But I am (almost) ready to dive straight in when the stars align for me. 

Want to know what all the fuss is about? I chat with hormone health guru, Nat Kringoudis on her personal and professional experience with the benefits of leaving the food behind for a few days.

Nat Kringoudis is a women health care practitioner, x2 Best Selling Author, Speaker and all-round natural fertility expert. She is also the founder of Melbourne women’s health clinic, The Pagoda Tree, host of The Wellness Collective podcast, owner of Daysy Australia and most recently the co-founder of MBODY a line of hormone nourishing foodceuticals.

Nat joins me for episode 108 of the Back To The Paddock podcast.

What You'll Learn in today’s episode:

  • Nat's personal experience with water fasting
  • The health benefits of water fasting.
  •  What is involved in water fasting- what's in and out for the 72 hours.
  • When Nat wouldn’t recommend water fasting.
  • What time of your cycle is best to water fast. 
  • Tips around fasting & exercise.
  • How to ease out of a fast.

Plus more!

More From Nat:

Listen In:

Tune into episode 108 above or by searching Back To The Paddock on your fav podcast listening app.

Cant wait to hear your biggest takeaways across on @backtothepaddock insta.


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